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Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekends are the worst...

Maybe not for much longer though. I play my Wii Fit a lot because it also keeps the kids entertained. Lea Anne is letting me borrow a Wii Active game with the thigh strap for the remote and the band thingy. I'm definitely trying it out tomorrow.

I really REALLY hate blogging on my kindle. If only they HAD AN APP FOR KINDLE!!!! Stupid Blogger...

I burned 500 calories today! I wasn't even on an "alternate workout" day. On an average, I'd guess that I burn between 400-450+ calories a workout... ive only hit 500 one other time. I didn't eat very good today though. Well WHAT I ate was good... I just didn't eat MUCH today. That gets me in trouble. Lol "That's all I have to say about that." -Best movie ever....

I did this whole stupid blog in HTML. Ugh.... Anyways, the kids really miss their daddy. At subway today Hailey said she missed her daddy then asked ET if he missed him too. Lol killed me.
The reason hes gone is that the job he got in the oil field, is now sending him to NM for a week at a time to get their wells up and going. Apparently he got hired on at the perfect time..because the company is expanding like crazy. Everyones really impressed with him. His boss's boss sends him text messages telling him how good hes doing and crap. I'm just glad hes found a place that hes happy with and gives recognitions for hard work.
ok going to bed!!! I'll blog tomorrow maybe about where Jacob is and will be till the day before he turns 7!!!

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