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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Holy Crap... What happened?!

I haven't really worked out in 3 days. Not Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday! I feel super guilty.. I haven't really been bad on my diet though. I've eaten healthy sammaches at Subway, and my tilapia with rice. It still worries me when I don't work out for a few days. I've worked super hard to get this crap off, and I'll be damned if I let a little pain make it come back. 

We got a rescue kitty today. His name is Skeeter. He's GOT to be the smallest 11wk old kitty I've ever seen. 

I've never really posted a before picture of me on here.. and I should. I just hardly have any. I never really took pictures when I was 193lbs. I was the one TAKING the pics. Lets see what I can find. 
This is one from December of 2011. It's really hard for me to look at it. My house is a mess, and I'm... I'm huge. O_o
 This... is like July of 2011... I honestly didn't even know I had this on my computer until just now. I'm appalled at how big I had let myself get. We had just left a Chinese buffet in Seguin Tx. *Places I do not go anymore*
This is JUNE 1ST 2012. I started this weight loss Journey January 23rd 2012. I'll post another pic of me more recently soon.. I just gotta get an area of the house clean. LOL :) 
Its freaking 12:30 and my almost 27 year old going on 60 year old body wants to go to bed. Hopefully this dang kitty doesn't do anything too annoying tonight. Hes already proven to have VERY good lungs. O_O
........................Punching Kittys is BAD. 

ps.. going on a bike ride tomorrow, AND running a mile. Maybe not a 14 min mile, but, a mile. :D

1 comment:

  1. Ok....I can only do this as "anonymous" but you will always know it's me... :-D
