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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Totally My Bad...

So, I was going to go to Curves today.. but it didn't happen. Not because I lazed out or just didn't feel like going,  but because I found out at like 4pm that they close on Saturdays at 1pm. whoops. They've even got the sign and everything right there on the door as you enter. That's my bad. O_o I feel bad though, I'm excited to go Monday.

So.. Interesting story about what happened yesterday....

My mom came over yesterday to see the babies, and shes sitting in our living room then her head starts itching all crazy.. So she gets up to leave, says that her head feels like it's on fire.. we joke about her having lice, and she walks home (yeah... I live a stone throw away from my mom.... we have awesome fights.) By the time she got home, she said her lips, eyes, ...basically her FACE was swollen and she couldn't breathe. Weird.. ? right? She calls the pharmacist, because she's just been given some new meds to try out for water weight and old people joint issues... and he tells her to take a benadryl and if it gets worse to go to the ER.. She takes it upon herself to go to work anyways.. ayee... not long after that though, I get a text saying that shes going to go home because she cant stop coughing.

Shes fine today.. apparently shes allergic to some lip plumper she bought and used for the first time yesterday. Its called Lip Booster Plumping Serum...
That's what it looks like... She gave it to me.. her blood daughter, for me to 'try out at my own risk' LOL.. I'm sure there is little to no risk of be being allergic to it too, but I'm still skeerd!!!! 

On a side note, I watched my 13 month old run into the corner of a wall today and giggled about it. He was running after his sister, turned to look back.. and smack! One should know, not to run and not be facing the same way you're running.. I guess that lesson comes in time. LOL


  1. What brand is that lip serum, and does it have the ingredient listed?

  2. IDK what it is.. thats it, in the picture.. It doesnt have any ingredients listed on it.. probably was on the box that I'm sure shes thrown away by now.. but she had a huge bump on her lip today from it! how crazy is that?!

  3. The ingredients were on the box but in French so yeah, not much help there. I got it at Sallys yesterday morning.
