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Friday, October 18, 2013

Lexington, Aquarium... Fun Times.

Ok... here's the rest of the trip pictures. There is also going to be a video at the end of this blog, that you're going to freaking love. I do... Honestly, I don't really care if you do or not. haha.. it's the funniest thing I've seen in a while. 
The Lexington has had some changes to their museum. I don't like them much. I was a giant fan of the old Blue Ghost guys... like, I could have spent all day on that ship looking around.. but now there's a LOT of new stuff... and the rooms are different. It's more like a museum for the whole Navy instead of just the history of that awesome ship. They do have a Pearl Harbor exhibit now that's pretty cool... but a lot of it revolves around the MOVIE Pearl Harbor because apparently they filmed some stuff on that ship.. Not that the movie wasn't good... I'm a fan... but it's like they were more interested in the movie stars being on the Lexington than the actual reason for the movie. Eh... anyways.... 
On to the pictures. 
This is the view of the USS Lexington from the Texas State Aquarium. 

Uh Oh! Allen's in the Brig! hahaha

I think this was in the Pearl Harbor area... I don't remember. I just really really really liked this quote. 

This pic should really have been on the other day's blog. Allen and I plan on getting a new tattoo every year on our anniversary in Port A. We have a tattoo shop we go to called Voodoo Tattoo.. it's on a main street right off the Ferry. The guy that does ours, Nate, is freaking awesome. He did our other tattoos too... the Shark jaws with 10-11-12 inside. He's awesome and affordable and hopefully if we keep going back, he'll keep giving us awesome deals. :) He remembered us from last year! 

Back to the Lexington... These planes are really cool. Everything about them is freakin sweet. 

I really like these. The ones where you can see that motor behind the propeller.

THIS cracked me up... they have a simulator on the Lexington now, where you can fly, or shoot, or do whatever in air planes. and this was on about 5 out of 6 screens. 

Allen was super interested in this plane. It's got bondo all over it and has been sanded. It looks like they're getting ready to paint it. He was rubbing his hand along it feeling the body lines.. I was pretty sure he was going to stop one of the workers and ask what they were going to do with it. He's done a lot of paint and body on vehicles... so... this was interesting to him. 

These planes are just super cool... They don't make em like they used to.

I liked the paint on this one... and then I saw the little missile thing was open.....

Tommy's Toy... Nice. 

Most awesome helicopter ever! From the paint to what it was used for. 

This was on a plane. I have to say... I agree. 

THIS plane is freaking cool... it's all short and looks mean. 

Theres some missiles we need to drop on a few countries... just sayin.

Blue Angels! 

I had to wait for about 5 minutes before I could take this pic. Some stupid people with the Boy Scouts who thought they owned the joint were standing in a big group just talking among themselves and laughing. They finally saw me trying to take a picture and waved and moved over. Idiots. 

THIS is how stuff used to look in the Lexington... authentic and untouched... 

These kids made me lose my mind. I love this room of the Lexington. It's the most awesome room. The grandmother of these little jackholes wasn't paying attention to ANYTHING they were doing. There is a giant sign that says "PLEASE DO NOT touch any knobs or levers in this room. " yet they had their grubby little hands all over everything. Grandma was walking around on her phone not paying attention. I can't freaking stand that kind of "parenting." If you brought your grand kids here to show them a cool ship, get off your phone, walk around and teach them about some history. Don't let them run amok knocking into people (me) and touching shit they're not supposed to. I was enjoying my time without my kids... but I had to put up with other peoples idiot kids. I don't let my kids act like this in places... I wish I could spank other's kids for acting like that. Gah Dang. 

Another of my favorite areas. I had to wait for another little idiot kid to leave this room too. He was standing by the wheel with his hand on it looking at me like "are you going to take a picture or what?" No... No I'm not you little shit because I don't want you to be in it. I do love kids... I do... I just can't stand when parents let their kids be disrespectful and rude in public. Mine are rude and shitty to me in the house... but when we're out in public, they're nice, they listen to directions, and they damn sure don't touch shit they're not supposed to... but maybe it's because I'M PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM. 

this was new too... but it was cool... all those knots. 

Here was part of the Pearl Harbor part... Pictures of Ben Affleck and junk on the walls like he was super important during what happened. No... He wasn't. He was in a movie about what happened. That doesn't mean that he should be in a frame on the Lexington. dang. 

This was new too. 

This was new....

This was new....

THIS was the Lexington Library... But the door was closed, and the lights were off like we weren't allowed to look in there.. Bitches. I gots a flash on my camera thank GOD.. This, in my opinion, is one of the coolest rooms on the Lexington.... Thats all I have for the Lexington... It was super fun... We didn't go to the Haunting On the Blue Ghost though... that shit was expensive. 15$ per person, and it's pretty short. 

I was going to do the Texas State Aquarium today too, but That was a lot of pictures already.. I don't want to over load or make people bored. Plus these kids are about to drive me nucking futs. I've spanked Ethan three times already today and it's only 11:20am. They act like because daddy is gone, mommy has unlimited nerves to get on. No... THAT is not the case I can assure you. I seriously need to find a mommy's day out place here before I lose my shit and drop them off at a Fire Station. Neither of them know our last name and neither of them know our phone numbers or address... it'd be easy.

Just joking... I couldn't do that. Ethan called me his best friend last night. Even though, after I spanked him today he yelled "YOU'RE NOT MY BEST FRIEND ANYMORE MOMMY!!!!!" 
oh well... I'm sure I'll recover... 
Time to feed lunch to the children! Hope ya'll enjoyed my pics. 
More to come later... I honestly didn't plan on making this a 3 day extravaganza. It just happened. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Hips! And Vacation

I didn't gain anything on vacation!!! woohoo!!! Allen and I walked A LOT. We loooove combing the beach super early in the morning, like before the sun comes up... and just before sunset. I think we probably walked a total of 10 miles in 3 days at the beach alone. That doesn't count the walking we did around town. We usually find a place to park and just walk around everywhere. My hips were killing me. 

This post is going to totally be about our vacation.. I have tons and tons of pics.. we had so much fun. We got home around 5pm on Monday.. had to go shopping for groceries for the house and then do dinner... kids went to bed about 915pm (way late for them on a school night) and then Allen had to get up and leave for New Mexico at 3am Tuesday morning. SUCKS! I haaaate when he's in New Mexico. It really freaking blows.
This was right when we got to our room. It looked like it was probably an old person's second home. Chairs from the 20's... couch from the 60's... but a flat screen tv in the living room and the stupid foot board on the bed took me out within an hour of us being there. I STILL have a knot and a gross looking green/brown bruise from that shit. I nailed the corner of the foot board with my right thigh (like right above my knee) and it brought tears to my eyes. Actually I hit it twice... same leg.. the first time just wasn't as bad.. and I thought to myself "I'm going to have to be careful with that shit..." not 2 minutes later I was walking past the bed to put something down in the bathroom and BAM. Bastard bed.
This was more than half way from our Condo to the board walk. It was definitely a freaking hike. But still walking distance. We didn't have a 'view' of the ocean from our room, but we could still hear it. :) 

First look at the ocean! I freaking loooove the beach. This place is a little different than the place we stayed at last year.. The beach at the place we stayed last year (only about 3 miles to the left in this pic) had a LOT more walking distance to the actual ocean. There was a small road and junk you had to cross (beach road) but down here, nope. The ocean was RIGHT there. <3
The first sunrise of the trip! Who wouldn't love seeing this every day? The smell, the sounds, the view.. it's all beautiful and perfect! I could take pictures of crap all day long.. and I basically did.

same sunrise... just better picture. I got some really awesome pics of the sunrise! Next time we'll have to go to the other side of the island to catch the sunset too... that's the one thing we didn't see. lol 

These guys are so cool. I liked this picture because his toes look funny. Do birds have toes? Or are they claws? or something.. whatever, they're funny looking. 

These guys were all over the place. There were some tiny little shrimp looking things being washed up on shore, and they were having a feeding frenzy.... 


My husband barreled through them. haha I bet people were looking at us like "look at those morons." 
whatever. We had a freaking blast. 

Some pretty flowers growing on the sand dunes close to our Boardwalk. 

This one was really pretty too. I had to move it a little to get a better picture, but this flower is one of my favorites! 
This guys feathers were all nuts. I think it was the wind blowing him crazy. 

Second sunrise of the vacation... I think. Look at those clouds! 

It started raining a little on us while we were combing the beach... no biggie. After like a 3 mile walk we decided to head back to the condo so we could get ready for the day! 

see that building on the right over there...? That's where our condo was. I turned around and took a pic at how far away we were when it started raining. haha 

The coolest flower! I saw lots of them on our way to the boardwalk thing. I know it's probably a weed, but it's sure pretty! 
This one too. The stupid camera kept focusing on the wrong thing though. 

THIS is what my hair does at the ocean. ALL WEEKEND I was dealing with this. I almost used a whole can of mousse. It did nothing. The humidity is crazy. haha

jerks. Wish I had that. 

This guy was just chillin while we were waiting on the Ferry. and then when the ferry was leaving, it bumped his little thing he was standing on and he lost his balance and was all shaky looking. It was funny.

I don't know if this was a baby jelly fish or what.. but there were tons of little blue things like this all over the ocean on JUST this day. We didn't see them at all the rest of the time. 

Some kids found a jelly fish and put it in this bucket. Allen was all nosy about it too.. there were some people huddled around a blow up raft, and he's all "WHATS EVERYONE LOOKING AT?!" Like it was our business. lol turns out they had found quite a bit of cool stuff.

This was some of the stuff they found. I don't know what those shrimp things are. They were digging in the sand though. They even found some hermit crabs! And some random fish was swimming in there too. 
I named this guy Brownie. He walked with us for a while on the beach... and when we'd stop to look at something or pick something up, he'd look at us like this...... 
As soon as we'd start walking again, he'd turn and start walking too... 

This sand looks really cool... but holy shit it hurts your feet to walk on! It's all packed down super hard, and is ribbed like you're walking on bumpy concrete almost. ugh
We almost missed this sunrise. We woke up a little later than usual and I had to take a shower. We sure did run almost half a mile so we didn't miss it. haha Just after this, rain clouds rolled in and covered it all up. We got lucky! 

We stopped at Sonic on our way out, and there was one Seagull at first... just layin there. I threw a fry out the window and magically these guys showed up. I was slightly scared that they were going to try to fly into the truck and get my food. I'd have beaten a gull. 

Gross bottle we found washed up. I don't know what those things are that are stuck to it, but we found another bottle that we decided to keep, some kind of liquor bottle for sure, and we tried to pull them off... it's like they're stuck there with cement. They're super gross looking when they're moving around too...

see that spray on my glasses? I hate having to wear glasses to see... because in Port A... anytime you go inside, they obviously have the AC on.. because you know, it's Texas... and it's hot. However,... when you walk back outside after being inside.. and it's all warm and muggy outside.. what happens? Fog. Freaking fog happens. I was super annoyed by that. And the spray from the ocean made my glasses all gross so every freaking 15 minutes or so I was trying to clean them. Which sucked because it's the beach and shit is sandy. Everything was sandy. 



THIS is where we stayed. You can kind of see Allen on the stairs. We had a 1 bedroom condo upstairs with our own private patio. It was perfect for what we needed. About 5 miles out of Port A, but still right on the beach. Perfect. Full kitchen, everything. Loved it. The decor was outdated, but whatever... who gives a crap about the decor when you're at the beach?

Number 234... which was funny to us. LOL because we're children and think it's funny to stay in a Condo with consecutive numbers like that. O_o 

We also went to the Texas State Aquarium and the U.S.S. Lexington.. but I'll post those pics later.. There are a lot and I didn't want to make this blog entry TOO long. 

The kids yesterday were C.R.A.Z.Y. Well... no... HAILEY was crazy yesterday. ALL day long. I think it was because she had been with my mom Thursday night-Monday afternoon... and was all excited to see us, and then Allen turned around and left for New Mexico Tuesday morning before she woke up so she was like.... 'wtf'. Yesterday she wanted to constantly sit in my lap, or have me hold her. But I had a lot to do! I was trying to get all the stuff situated from our vacations and junk around the house... clothes washed and put up.. All day she was crying about something. There was a band-aid melt down like I'd NEVER seen before. 

See... we brought Ethan a pirate's gun from the beach and Hailey was playing with it... Ethan jerked it away from her and it scraped a little bit of her pinkie. It bled just a tiny tiny tiny bit.. Like, I can't even stress to you how stupid small this injury was and how incredibly crazy she acted about it. 
I got a wipe and cleaned the dried blood off,.. It was dried because it was so small it bled for a second before she even noticed it was on her finger... and that's when shit just went down hill... I mentioned that I was going to put a band aid on it to make it feel better... and she flipped shit. She wouldn't let me look at it, she was holding her hand behind her or away from me depending on the way she was standing.. So I sat her in my lap thinking, I'll just calm her down and slip the band aid on... 
Like Hell I was. 
I took her little hand so I could see her pinkie and she SCREAMED at the TOP of her lungs. She was squirming and laying down in my lap, and twisting and screaming and crying.. snot was flying everywhere, tears were all over the place.. I looked over, and ETHAN was holding his hands over his ears almost in TEARS because of how she was acting. I suppose she was scaring him. I was 98% sure that a police officer was going to knock on my door because someone had called 911. I'm so surprised they didn't. "NO!!! NOO!!!! NOOOOO!!!!" that's all she kept screaming. I don't know if all parents have this moment... but I found myself thinking "This is my life right now... this is REALLY happening." 
I just gave up. I didn't know what else to do. It was like she'd grown a phobia of band aids over night. She's never cared about wearing a band aid before yesterday.

Thinking about it today.. I still feel like I was in the twilight zone. 
That's all for now guys.. It is lunch time which means it's also almost nap time! =-D Best Part of the DAY! 
Today Jacob has House of Faith after school so maybe I'll just start drinking now.. I won't have to drive anywhere... hahaha