I feel like I'm at that stupid fork in the road where I'm either going to buckle down and make this weight loss my bitch, or I'm going to LET myself get lazy and I'm going to start yoyoing. I'm totally ignoring my 'I'm full so stop fucking eating' sensor during dinner, and I'm not drinking the water I should be. It's not that I don't want to lose anymore weight, I want to be able to say 'I've lost 50lbs!' I would be a solid 142 and maybe around a size 12ish.
I got on the wii fit the other day, and it's been a few weeks since I was last on.. Anyways, I expected a movement in my weight. I figured it would have gone up since the last time because I'd been over eating here and there and not on my game with working out 100%. It was the same. No upwards movements, no downwards movements. That's almost worse than going up a little. lol I HATE not feeling like I'm making any progress.
We're eating Baked French's Onion Chicken tonight with corn and probably mac n cheese. I'm considering eating a small salad with it so I don't over eat the stupid Mac N cheese. It's so good though. :-\ UGH.
mmmmmm cheese.......
I can do it! I'm going to use my awesome measuring cup again, and NOT pile that shit on my plate. I'll make the plates tonight too, and I'll give the babies and Jacob more than usual, so there's not as much left over when I serve myself. If I'm going to do that, I might as well just put spoonfuls on the floor. Since that's where its going to end up anyways. Dang Children.
Speaking of Children... I've watched Tangled about 9 times in the past few days. Hailey LOVES that movie. It really grows on you though. Its one of the few Disney Pixar movies that doesn't have adult innuendos sprinkled throughout the film. I like just regular ole kid friendly movies. It doesn't have to be slightly dirty like Ice Age or Shrek lol (Those are good ones too though!)
I don't think I'll be going to Curves today. I really need an hourly daycare drop in center here! I miss the one in Austin SOOOOO much!